Eastern Access Group Melbourne

Are Boom Lift and Cherry Pickers The Same_ - A Quick Comparison

Are Boom Lift and Cherry Pickers The Same - A Quick Comparison

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Boom lifts and cherry pickers are both types of elevating work platforms used to lift workers, tools, and supplies to a higher level to complete tasks such as maintenance and installations.

Elevating Work Platforms (EWP)  cherry pickers and boom lifts are available for hire. The job, location, height, and other factors will determine whether a cherry picker or a boom lift is required.

In this post, we will go over the differences between the two types of units and the most common applications for each.

Table of Contents

Boom lifts vs Cherry pickers - Eastern Access Group

What are Boom Lifts

A boom lift is an aerial lift used to transport workers on construction sites, farms, along utility lines, and other locations. It is made up of a platform or bucket that is connected to a hydraulic arm and a grounded, movable base. Boom lifts can be used by lift operators to extend their vertical or horizontal reach or to work at an angle under challenging workspaces.

Uses of Boom Lifts

Companies use a boom lift whenever a project needs work at a height. Increased stability, mobility, and capability increase the safety of workers working at heights and can help make a project safer and more efficient.

Boom lifts can be helpful when working on projects in the air. Among these projects are, but are not limited to:

  • Putting up scaffolding
  • Farm fruit picking
  • Wall and ceiling painting
  • Lighting design
  • Hanging signs

Boom lifts make it easier to reach difficult places and heights. It provides a safer way to work at any elevation by providing a more secure workspace at high heights than a standard ladder or man lift.

Features of a Boom Lift

A boom lift’s primary components are a platform or bucket with a long arm attached to a grounded base. A hydraulic lift system controls the arm, allowing it to extend and transport people or materials to higher places.

The centred base of boom lifts is equipped with wheels to allow the operator to manoeuvre and place the equipment in the best possible position to reach the work height and location.

Cherry Pickers and Boom Lift Differences - Eastern Access Group

What are Cherry Pickers?

A cherry picker is a common type of aerial work platform with a bucket at the end of a hydraulic lifting system. The cherry picker lift’s bucket is attached to a telescopic arm that can be raised and operated.

Cherry pickers were called such because initially used to pick fruits; however, many modifications have been made so that these cherry pickers can also be used for routine maintenance, lifting workers and their equipment, stock picking, and construction jobs.

Basic Features of Cherry Pickers

Cherry pickers are available in various fuel options, including power and diesel, so there are models for a wide range of workplaces. Some models of large diesel-powered boom lifts are also available with tough terrain tyres, making them suitable for construction sites. It’s interesting how many electric-powered cherry pickers come with non-marking tyres ideal for carrying out tasks on a flat surface.

Where are Cherry Pickers Used

In addition to its continued use in commercial orchards, the cherry picker is also utilised for several other tasks. One of the most frequent is fixing wiring mounted on utility poles. Electricity and telephone companies use trucks with cherry pickers to repair and instal new lines. In recent years, cable television companies have used cherry pickers to manage wiring mounted on poles and provide cable service to nearby homes.

The cherry picker is considered one of the most versatile equipment on-site because it can also reach great heights. Cherry picker EWP is one of the best tools to hire for high-reach jobs, with a working height of 20 metres.

Boom lifts vs Cherry Pickers – How Do They Differ?


  • Many of the physical characteristics of a boom lift and a cherry picker are similar; for example, both have a bucket into which workers can place their tools and supplies while being raised to a safe height.
  • The bucket is connected to extendable arms with hydraulic control that is joined to a grounded base.
  • The arms can be maneuvered vertically and horizontally to raise and lower workers to the exact heights needed to complete the required work.


Propelling access

Although the design principles for boom lifts and cherry pickers are similar, there are some significant physical differences between them. Cherry pickers differ primarily in that they are either trailer- or truck-bed mounted and have four centreboard legs for stability, necessitating towing or driving between job sites.

Boom lifts only need to be loaded onto a truck bed and can be driven around a job site between locations because they are tyre-equipped, typically self-propelled, and equipped with wheels.

Driving Mechanisms

Operators can use controls integrated into the basket to operate safely and position boom lifts. This makes it possible to position the unit quickly and precisely for the best access and safest working conditions.

Whenever the basket needs to be moved, it must be fully lowered and securely stowed, the trailer or truck bed to which it is attached must be moved, and the outrigger legs must be repositioned for stability. Cherry pickers are not self-propelled and cannot be moved while raised.

Price Per Unit

In general, cherry picker units mounted on trailers are the simplest and least expensive types of elevating work platforms. In contrast, boom lifts can be costly depending on configuration due to the complex technology and systems installed to propel, raise, and lower the units.

Key Takeaways

While both seem the same, cherry picker and boom lifts have specific uses and functions. When you’re talking about cherry pickers, you’re talking about aerial work platforms. They provide an easy and safe way to get people in elevated positions, but they aren’t as versatile as boom lifts. Boom lifts, on the other hand, are better than cherry pickers in terms of versatility and flexibility and can complete a broader range of tasks.

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